Not All Italian Kitchens are Created Contemporary!


Not all Italian kitchens are created contemporary – The Fenice Collection, from Cadore

In this Kitchen, Cadore revives the Barocco (Baroque) style. Unlike the Sicilian / Naples Baroque, which is very rich and ornate, the Fenice is more delicate, with much finer carvings and decorations. The inspiration, for this design, came from the famous La Fenice Venetian Theatre, with its typical Baroque eighteenth-century Veneziano design.


The Fenice Collection from Cadore is a kitchen that is built from the highest quality materials available. Finished in antique silver leafing and a ‘pinkish hew’, the classic appearance hides the most sophisticated interiors that are available today – Blum’s Servo Drive automated opening drawers, soft closing drawer glides, internal accessories by Kessebomher and much more.


Classic style and advance technology combined together in a single collection og high quality, design and comfort – The Fenice.

Another manufacturer that is very well known for its unique and innovative traditional designs is Marchi. Every one of their models looks like it’s taken out of a ‘Hollywood movie set’ and tells an entire story. Shown below is the Dhialma model from Marchi.


A very elegant traditional kitchen is the Tosca model, from Martini. Shown below, in painted with silver accents and a dark color island.



Amir J. Ilin, the president of Küche+Cucina, a design firm he started 24 years ago. Ilin’s work has been featured on HGTV, on Donald trump’s The Apprentice, in numerous national publications and on many national magazine covers. He is also the recipient of various design awards, among them “Best of Show Design Award”, from Signature Kitchens & Baths 8 times!Ilin was commissioned to design special projects in very exclusive homes, some located far away from his base in NJ. He was also chosen to create the cabinetry for the newly renovated Plaza Hotel, in NYC, as well as several luxury multi-unit projects around the country. To date, Ilin was involved in installations of more then 3,000 kitchens around the US and the islands, as well as many outside the US, many for well known clients.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kitchen Plans

    Certainly a very unique look and an interesting finish. Curious what the interiors look like though.

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    I have a moving company here in New Jersey and I didn’t know that Pedini have a location here.
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    Thanks a lot,


  3. Rachel Mallon

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love this kitchen design. So beautiful and unique!

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