Europeans have been producing kitchens, in factories (vs. carpenter’s shops) for about 100 years now.

The countries that have the largest amount of kitchen brands are: Italy and Germany. They probably produce about 90% of the kitchens sold in Europe. They also are the largest exporters of kitchens outside of Europe.  

You will also find some large kitchen factories in England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and other European countries.

On the right side of the page are the European kitchen companies, by country. If you know a kitchen company, that is not listed, please contact us and will gladly add it.


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This Post Has 978 Comments

  1. Bugsy

    Hello Kitchenguy, many thanks for such a devoted work in this site and for so many years. ….

    We are about to order a kitchen for our new house. We have currently narrowed our search to 3 producers: Leicht, Haecker and Ballerina.

    Which one is better taking into account the high end products of each ?

    Is Ballerina good in comparison with the other 2 ?

    Last question: do you think a 10.000€ difference for the same type of kitchen from Siematic is worth the difference ?

    Thanks a lot for your time.


    1. kitchenguy

      Bugsy – none of them are bad products, but if I had to chose, I’d go with Haecker’s high end line. Regarding SieMatic – what’s the size of the total job…? Unless your total order is 100K, it’s not worth it.

  2. Sheila

    I need your Help.

    We want a kitchen of high quality and reasonable price.
    Between Miton (Lima in white y sincro NOZE DODOZUKI, both acrylic) and Lube brava (Rovere visone Tranche and bianco neve acrylic) the bianco neve dosnt be white absolutely, but my floor is not white, but the counter top is Silestone white zeus).


    1. kitchenguy

      Sheila – both are not exactly “high quality”…
      Not sure what your question is…

  3. Elie

    I am looking to buy euromobile kitchen is it good ? Would you recommend another brand ?

    1. kitchenguy

      Elie – yes it is.
      Where are you located…?

  4. Michel

    I have been looking at Rotpunkt and SieMatic for a 4X3 m kitchen, from the same retailer. There is no doubt that the finishing and details of SieMatic are better. I am wondering however whether the price difference (Rotpunkt 8.300, SieMatic 14.500 €) reflects and justifies the overall superior quality….

  5. Mil

    Hey Kitchenguy,

    Great site! What do you think of the quality of Cesar vs Alno? Or would you recommend another brand (comparable price level)?


    1. kitchenguy

      Mil – Cesar is a bit better.

      1. Mil

        Thanks.And where would Effeti Cucine fit in quality/price wise?

        1. kitchenguy

          Mil – a very small company, that has always produced nice, unique product, but the quality has alway been just a little above “ok”…

          1. Mil

            Any thoughts Eggersman vs Leicht vs Cesar?

          2. kitchenguy

            Mil – Eggersman is better than Leicht and Cesar

  6. Margie

    Hi! I was wondering which one is better scavolini or veneta? Also i wanted to know if you know the brand ar-tre and how would you rank it?

    1. kitchenguy

      Margie – Scavolini.
      Ar-tre is similar to Venetta.

  7. Alka

    I live in San Francisco and am currently in the process of getting quotes from the following designers –
    Studio Becker
    Sozo Studio – a local designer, products made in Southern California.

    I have yet to look at Boffi, Poggenpohl and Siematic. I visited Alno but not a fan. Do you suggest I look at any other designers and out of my list who’s quality would you recommend. Our budget is around 100K but obviously would be great to come under. Who do you think has best quality for price. Thanks!!

      1. Alka

        Hi, thanks for the reply. Yup, went to Pedini, I wasn’t blown away by their showroom but obviously they’ll have many more options. I’ll revisit them.

        1. kitchenguy

          Alka – you mentioned Poggenpohl and Siematic and the fact that you have a 100K budget, but obviously would be great to come under – I think Pedini will be just as good as the others, within this budget – visit them again.

          1. Alka

            Thanks! I will def. check Pedini out again. I visited Boffi today which I really liked. You mentioned Pedini, Boffi and Piggenpohl similarly priced? Is Bulthaup also in that range? I really liked Sozo cause they are more custom. Do you know anything about them? Thanks in advance for all your help!

          2. kitchenguy

            Alka – FYI – some of Boffi’s doors come from the same supplier as Pedini… so does the hardware… As far as pricing is concerned, it is hard for me to tell because I don’t have information of the mark-ups that the local dealers in SF are using. Bulthaup is also a great choice.
            Never heard of Sozo, but checked them up online – looks like a local shop, which in my opinion is not an advantage. You’ll get lesse quality, for the same price…

  8. Kang

    Is Santos kitchen a good one to take a look?
    Which quality level would you rank it?

    1. kitchenguy

      Kang – sure thing. It’s a medioum quality product.

  9. Bonnie

    Do you think it is worth the extra cost to purchase Pedini rather than Mia Cucine cabinets?

    1. kitchenguy

      Bonnie – Mia Cucina is a retail shop. They are selling Record Kitchens and the answer is ‘yes’ – it is worth the extra cost!

  10. Diane Gibbons

    Are Leicht kitchens any good? How is the quality? Do they stand up over time? I was tied to a true all wood cabinet until I saw some Leicth designes and loved them

    1. kitchenguy

      Diane Gibbons – yes they are. Yes they do. What ius “true wood cabinets”? ‘True plywood box’? ‘True wood doors’? These are not better…

  11. michael antreou

    Hey kitchenguy, i am in the process of choosing between a Arredo Wega and a Euromobil kitchen, the latter is more expensive. How do they compare in terms of quality?

    1. kitchenguy

      michael antreou – in this case, price = quality…

  12. Madelaine

    Dear Kitchenguy,

    I’m deciding between Scavolini and Veneta. In your experience, which is better quality?

  13. searchme

    Hi kitchen, I am confused between deltango, lube and hacker. Can you please guide which one is better?


    1. kitchenguy

      searchme – in this order: Haecker, Deltongo, Lube.

  14. Amit


    I was looking at kitchens . how do you rate del tango, scavolini, lube and hacker? How good is MDF as they use MDF or particle wood? Please suggest.

    1. kitchenguy

      Amit – in this order: Haecker, Scavolini and Lube. Who is tango…?

  15. Daryl Krause

    Question….Boffi or Poliform cabinets?

      1. Delta

        Hey Kitchenguy, what makes Boffi’s cabinets better than Poliform? Quality seems the same.

        I just went to Boffi and their sliding doors are really hard to open. They way they designed their handles plus the mechanism they used really made the experience of opening the wardrobe unpleasant. Poliform on the other hand has really smooth mechanisms.

        I have to say, though, that Boffi’s cabinets have very good in terms of design innovation and Poliform’s cabinets are pretty basic. It’s just that opening Boffi’s doors are becoming a hard task.

        1. kitchenguy

          Delta – its like asking “what makes Ferrari better than Alfa Romeo”…

  16. PaulMM

    From your top 20 who are the cheapest? I am looking at a very standard gloss white handleless design – nothing crazy.

    1. kitchenguy

      PaulMM – many of these brands offer a lower cost (usually more limited in options) models.

  17. Melanie

    Hello Kitchen Guy – I was wondering what you think of the Italian line, Berloni? They are pricing $1000/lft. Linea Decor (They say the are made in Italy, assembled in Turkey) pricing the same as Berloni – I don’t have a good impression of this cabinet so far – . Are there European lines in the US @$600-800/lft.

    1. kitchenguy

      Melanie – Berloni is owned by Chinese, so though it is made in Italy, it is built for the Chinese market. Linea Decor is a Turkish brand and I agree with your impression…
      There are many European brands in the US that you can purchase for that price range (or close to it) if you are willing to keep the design modest (no exotic finishes, expensive accessories, custom features, etc.). Where in the US are you located?

  18. Chen shih fan

    Hi kitchenguy,
    I’m confusing between Rational and Eggersmann. Do you have any recommendations?

    1. kitchenguy

      Chen shih fan – Eggersman is a step above Rational.

  19. ivana

    hi kitchenguy your inputs have been so valuable to me, but my head is spinning from kitchen troubles, as you mentioned just as the product itself the dealer /designer is equally important, and i had no luck so far, dealer for haecker in my country offered me something very low based product for too much money in my opinion , more then Nolte could offer with much better functionality. then i went to Snaidero Abaco, becasue your top 20 list was of not much help, its too pricey, in my country buying 10k eur kitchen no appliances is reserved only for the rich….meaning your top 20 kitchens are out of question no matter that my kitchen is very small and i wanted to have it nicely designed and functional. Is there a list of top 10 kitchens at lower price point then your top 20? or at least top 5….Boffi, Bulthaup Valcucine they are all only for the rich! which are like 3-4% of people in every society….valcucine can not be bought lower then 20 k eur!…thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      ivana – what is “your country”…?
      What is “your budget”?

  20. Sophie Noble

    Hi, I’m thinking about a Euromobil kitchen vs Snaidero. Do you have a view on quality? thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      Sophie Noble – both are great and somewhat similar. Go with the designer/dealer you prefer.

      1. Pravin Rao

        Kitchenguy – For starters, your insights are amazing and helpful. Keep up the good job.

        What would be your recommendation between Hacker and Euromobil?


  21. Rokas


    Is the gap in quality big between Hacker and Valcucine ? Or are they more less equal ?

    1. kitchenguy

      Rokas – very different products. Valcucine is a very unique product that is also very expensive. Haecker is much more main stream, with price points that range from economical to high-end.

  22. Sue

    Hi! Have to chose between Siematic and Pedini
    Western Canada live on a farm so will have to use a local installer

    1. kitchenguy

      Sue – both are great. SieMatic has more custom inserts and more traditional designs, Pedini is more modern and usually a better value (depending on the specific dealer, you’re dealing with).

  23. Mike

    Hi Sue, This is Mike from Pedini Vancouver and I am glad that you are considering Pedini as one of your choices and in case if you are not aware just wanted to let you know that we have opened our brand new showroom in north Vancouver recently and will be glad to show you are products and also we can provide you a free estimate so please get in touch with either me or one of our staff when you are ready and we will be glad to help you.
    Regards and our thanks to you and kitchen guy

  24. PLDW

    Thanks for all the work you do on this site!

    We are in the Toronto area and have been looking at Scavolini’s glass fronted doors as something that may hold up better than lacquer or other front finishes. What’s the sense you get about glass fronted doors?

    Is there another manufacturer you’d recommend we look at that are at Scavolini’s price point or maybe 25% higher? We’ve looked at ValCucine’s multilayered laminate and glass products, but their pricing is about double Scavolini.

    Thanks for your opinion

  25. ks

    DELTONGO, HACKER, MOBALPA- Which brand is comfortable to sell to middle-upper middle income customers in USA?

    Thank You,


    1. kitchenguy

      ks – as far as I know, they are not widely available in the US. All 3 tried a couple of times, but ended pulling out afterwords…
      Are you looking for a product to sell in the US? What state/city?

      1. ks

        Yes, in New York. Thanks!

        1. kitchenguy

          ks – all 3 have pluses and minuses. I obviously can’t get into a full blown analysis in this forum, but if you like, I can talk to you directly and try to assist you.
          Where in New York?

  26. PLDW

    I was also looking at Leicht. I’m going to their showroom next week, so I haven’t seen it first hand.

    Construction wise, Leicht and Pedini seem to have similar glass door features (aluminum frame with back painted glass mounted on the front of the frame. While Scavolini has a melamine/Idroleb door with glass epoxied on the front.

    What do you see as the other differences between these three brands and which one would you lean towards?

    1. PLDW

      Sorry, I just realised that my previous question wasn’t added as a reply to the other one. I hit the wrong button.

      I should also add, that while styling is important, I’m really trying to look at things from a durability point of view as well. We cook every night in our kitchen and I’m wondering if there is a cabinet/door product out there that will still look good in 20 years. I was thinking that Aluminum frames and glass fronts might be the answer … but I don’t have any first or second-hand experience with that style.

      1. kitchenguy

        PLDW – agreed. Great finish from a durability stand point.

    2. kitchenguy

      PLDW – Leicht and Pedini are much better choices than Scavolini overall, particularly on glass! I like Pedini colors better and I think they are more flixible on sizes, than Leicht.

  27. Victoria

    Brilliant blog, well done. I have a dilemma over which kitchen to choose. We’re in Malta and getting our kitchen from Italy (through the official representatives of the brand). We’re unsure who to choose between arrex, lube, biefbi and cucinesse…any feedback please?

    Thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      Victoria – they are all about the same (qulity and price), so I suggest going with the one you trust more/have a better feeling towards/like their style.

  28. Birgit

    You have some great info on here! We will be remodeling our kitchen this summer and love the look of SieMatic and Poliform cabinets but our budget is around $20k-$30k for cabinets. Do you have recommendations for a brand that will give us a modern european look but be in our price range? Thanks so much!

    1. kitchenguy

      Birgit – thanks.
      Where are you located?

  29. Lora

    Hi Kitchenguy,
    I’m from Vancouver (Canada). I do not have high budget for BOFII kitchen but I want to have good quality product at my home. STOSA or SCAVOLINI or MITON or …
    Any recommendations?
    Thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      Lora – I’m very familiar with your loaction and there are several brands, in your area, that are priced between Bofi and the other 3. Example: have you looked at Pedini? You can get the high-end look and quality, for a better price…

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  31. PLDW

    Thanks for your comments earlier about glass kitchens from Scavolini, Leicht, and Pedini.

    Have you had any exposure to Valcucine’s value line, demode ( From a construction point of view they are similar to scavolini (idroLEB slab door with glass on the front, although the demode has a nice aluminum handhold on the top of the doors). It’s hard for me to tell if the quality has enough Valcucine features, or if it is basically built to compete with the other “value” lines, like Scavolini.

    1. PLDW

      Actually, I found out that Demode is being phased out and Valcucine is, in effect, replacing it with their exiting lower end lines, like the new-ish line called Forma Mentis … which is built very similar to Demode, but with a few more options.

      1. kitchenguy

        PLDW – that makes sense. These lines are fine, but they are now no different than many other products out there. Is it the Valcucine name you’re after, or a good quality kitchen at a fair price?

    2. kitchenguy

      PLDW – I don’t know much about it and I’m not sure if this value line still exists. The web site is not fully functional and facebook page is down (not a good sign). I think you evaluation is correct…

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  33. Deborah Norum

    We live in SoCal and are planning a total kitchen remodel with contemporary European style cabinets and appliances. What five primary criteria do you use in selecting your top manufacturers.

    Thank you! Deborah

    1. kitchenguy

      Deborah Norum – to simplify a ‘not so simple’ answer, think of it as a triangle. One corner is DESIGN, the seconf is PRICE and the third is SERVICE. It is very difficult to get all 3 at a high level, so you need to prioritize what’s most importent to you. Example: you go to a Big Box store (w/o naming any names) – you’ll get a cheap price but forget about design and service. Go to a high-end kitchen design studio. The design can be great, the price will most likely be high and the service, you’ll need to check how they rate in that category. Etc.

  34. Natalia

    I am checking at this moment the Ar-Tree kitchen. I am sorry for my ignorance but what should I expect to be included in the price of the kitchen? Only the furniture, no appliance, no light no chairs that show in the catalogue, for example?
    It would help me a lot to be sure what will they include in the price and what other costs I should consider.


    1. kitchenguy

      Natalia – that really depends on the deal you make with the local dealer. You can have them include everything, or you can purchase things separately, from different suppliers.

  35. Kitchenconfused

    Hi, Kitchenguy! You have no idea how helpful your blog has been to me and my husband. We have narrowed down our kitchen choices to Bulthaup and Varenna. We’ve asked them to come up with very similar designs so we’d be comparing apples to apples. We like both equally. Varenna comes out just a little more expensive but the difference is minimal. If you were to choose, which brand would you go for and why? Bulthaup’s warranty covers 5 years while Varenna is 3 years. Right now, that and the price are the only difference that sort of matter to us.

    Thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      Kitchenconfused – thank you for the kind words!
      If all else is equal. I personally would go with Bulthaup. I think they are a step above.

      1. Kitchenconfused

        Thank you for your reply! Bulthaup it is, then!! : )

  36. Juan Lopez

    We are trying to decide between Lube, Record or Snaidero.

    It is for a modern kitchen. Appreciate your feedback!

    1. kitchenguy

      Juan Lopez – in this order: Snaidero, Record, Lube.

  37. Alberto

    Hi kitchenguy,

    I’m from Spain and I have differents options of kitchen brands… Dica, Arredo3, Miton, Nobilia and Schmidt. Do you have any recommendations?

    Thanks for all


    1. kitchenguy

      Alberto – did you mean DOCA? If so, they are much better than the other 4 and being in Spain, you get a better price and service.

      1. Alberto

        No, DICA this is his website
        What brand do you recommended?

        Thanks kitchenguy!!

        1. kitchenguy

          Alberto – still nicer than the others.

  38. Wee

    I’m in Asia and looking at Arrital kitchen. What do you think of them?
    It’s to be installed via a parallel importer? Any risks to look out for?

    1. kitchenguy

      Wee – the only risk I can think of is the people handling it – check them out first. If they are a good compabny – go for it.

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  40. lookingforagreatkitchen

    Hello, we are looking for a contemporary kitchen – Miami, Florida. Looking at Pedini, Snaidero, Stosa, Euromobil. Looking for quality/durability and great design. Which one would you recommend?

    1. kitchenguy

      lookingforagreatkitchen (is this you first or last name…:)) – Pedini, Snaidero & Euromobil are a few levels above Stosa. In the US, I will only consider Pedini or Snaidero, because Euromobil is not really existing (1 or 2 dealers in the entire US…!). From these 2, I personally will pick Pedini – I think they are a better value, a more flixible, younger brand.

      1. lookingforagreatkitchen

        It’s a shortened version of my middle name! ; ) Thanks for your quick response. I forgot to ask about Biefbi. Are they up there with Pedini/Snaidero/Euromobil, or more on the Stosa segment?

        1. kitchenguy

          lookingforagreatkitchen – 🙂
          Much more on the Stosa segment.

  41. Confused

    Based in West London and looking for a good quality contemporary kitchen, budget £30-£35k all in for units and appliances. Considering Leicht, Alno and Nolte so far. Which if any of these to go for and any other recommendation for that budget? Many Thanks

    1. kitchenguy

      Confused – impossible to respond intellegently, w/o all the info (kitchen size, finishes, etc.) These 3 should be close in price though.

  42. harry

    Hi Kitchen Guy,

    whats better leicht or schuller?

    1. kitchenguy

      hatty – very similar, but I like Schueller better.

  43. Vignesh

    I’m looking for a kitchen brand and I’ve seen brands like hacker,nolte,Veneta cucine,scavolini,poggenpohl.
    My priorities are quality and cost. What would be the advice for me?

    1. kitchenguy

      Vignesh – from your list – Poggenpohl.

  44. Natalie

    Hi Kitchenguy,

    In terms of quality, is Cesar a lot lower than Siematic? I saw a lovely Cesar kitchen. It has the exact colours that I’m looking for. The Siematic kitchen looks nice, but not as nice. Price is similar.


    1. kitchenguy

      Natalie – SieMatic is above Cesar.

  45. Keith


    Have you come across Sachsen from Germany? How would you rate them against other German brands like Schueller or Leicht?


    1. kitchenguy

      Keith – yes, it’s a nice product. Should be a bit less expensive than the other 2.

  46. Everget

    Hi and congrats for the blog!! I am going to purchase a white lacquered kitchen and I am a little bit confused about which brand to go for. The prices for the same concept of kitchen per brand are listed as follows and I d like to have your help in which one to choose depending on the value for money factor : scavolini 9500 euros, comprex 12500, Leicht 13500, mobilturi 9000, pedini 13500, at-tre 10200. I think I have a fair price for scavolini, what do you think?? What to choose? Location: Southern Europe. Thank you!!

    1. kitchenguy

      Everget – out of this list, the obvious choice is Pedini. The difference is too small to consider the lower quality products.

  47. Carl


    I was wondering what is better in terms of Italian kitchens, Dada or Arclinea? What do you also think of Arrital?

    1. kitchenguy

      Carl – Dada will be my choice. Arrital is not in the same league…

      1. Carl

        I feel that Arclinea is more industrial-like with its hoods and the thick tops. Dada seems to be more in the aesthetic.
        Why would you choose Dada? is it more expensive than Arclinea?

        Thanks in advance for your help

        1. kitchenguy

          Carl – they are both quality product. I personally feel that between the two, Dada has a slight edge, but thats just my opinion. If you prefer Arclinea’s designs better – go for it! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with what their product.

  48. yiannis

    hi my friend i just discovered your blog and is amazing.
    i am partner architect who specializes in contemporary house.
    usually we are proposing to our clients for high ends -minotti, toncelli and for medium maistri or rosanna.
    we like also stratos and henrytimi
    what is your opinion for all of them?
    thanks a lot

    1. kitchenguy

      yiannis – all are good and you have them in the right order.
      Where are you located?

  49. Astrid

    We got some cabinets that are wenge colored wood from a high end house that is doing a remodel. All the cabinets will work for us but we have to purchase upper cabinets because their layout really did not have uppers. Since we can’t afford the brand that was given to us, and knowing that we will never be able to match the grain and color of the wood, we were thinking of buying a flat panel hi gloss lacquer cabinet in an off white to complete the upper cabinets. We live on Long Island, NY. would you have any suggestions of good quality products but not really expensive. Since we have the high end cabinets and appliances, I don’t want to cheapen the look by doing something chinzy on the uppers, but truly can’t afford the real high end brands. Thanks for your help

    1. kitchenguy

      Astrid – try Pedini’s Eko line. It is cost effective, comes in this color and is available on Long Island, NY, through Brookville Cabinet & Design in Cedarhurst.

      1. Astrid

        Thank you

  50. Freddy

    Hi Kitchenguy. I live in México City and im looking for a kitchen for my house. I’m between Modulova MH6, Veneta Oyster and Europlak. Which one do you like best?


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