Pedini - Integra

Pedini - integra in grey oak.

This blog was created in order to put together as much information as possible about European kitchen design, European kitchen companies and the different kitchen brands that have been manufacturing custom kitchens and built in kitchens, in Europe for more then a century.

European kitchen designers are the first ones to introduce what we know today as the ‘built in kitchen’ – kitchens that are no longer ‘free-standing’ pieces of furniture (as they were 100 years ago) but kitchens that are designed to have the cabinetry fitting between two walls.

Companies like Snaidero, Boffi, Pedini, Dada, Varenna and Val Cucine, from Italy, Poggenpohl, SieMatic, Allmilmo and Bulthaup , from Germany and Smallbone and Clive Christian, from England are the pioneers, the innovators and the companies that set the tone in Europe – the same tone that then becomes the new look for kitchen design around the world.


This Post Has 1,523 Comments

  1. dinesh jogi


    Hi looking to change our kitchen. been to several dealers. kitchens dealt with are stormer, RWK and mere way kitchens. can you tell me which is better also have a budget of £30k can you recommend other brands.

    1. kitchenguy

      dinesh jogi – all three are more or less the same – go with the dealer you like and the designer than understands what you want. Can’t recommand other brands, as I don’y know where you are…

      1. dinesh jogi


        I am based in leicester so if you can give any recommendation on brands would be appreciated. also in terms of quality which brand would you pick if you had a choice.

        1. kitchenguy

          dinesh jogi – all 3 brands offer modern cabinets, radius cabinet doors and traditional cabinets – what are you klooking for, so I can make the right recommandation?

          1. dinesh jogi

            we want a modern contemporary look, with an island main concern is the quality of the units.

          2. kitchenguy

            dinesh jogi – with that look that you want, try Haecker.

    1. kitchenguy

      Joe Smith – Spectrum is a NY based kitchen dealer, specializing in sales to builders. Stevali is their own private label brand (they made it up – it doesn’t exist…). In Italy, they usually purchase cabinets from a very large Italian company called Friul Intagli, who is a large supplier of cabinet parts (doors, panels, etc.) and cabinets (supplies also to IKEA). They also sell Chinese cabinets and other products. See the same pictures on both web sites… 🙂

  2. Joe Smith

    Thank you.

  3. Joe Smith

    Why does Friul Intagli allow them to say they own the factory? And to market their images as there own on their website?

    1. kitchenguy

      Joe – you’ll have to ask friul that question… My guess is that a) Since they don’t really sell products under their name, but rather through other brands, such as IKEA, Spectrum, etc. – they don’t really care and; b) Spectrum is a large customer and so they let them get away with it.
      Are you a customer of Spectrum?

      1. moshe

        Spectrum is a very experienced supplier of kitchens to the luxury high rise and rental market. They are very difficult to compete with. I go head to head with them all the time. They are owned by a very wealthy family. I would not be surprised if they do have some sort of interest in Friul Intaglia.

        1. kitchenguy

          Moshe – not sure about the owner’s personal wealth, but I know they have been doing very well, in that market, for years. I also, know they are very aggresive and will take a job w/o a profit, just to knock out the competitor. They will then try to make up the profit back, via change orders, etc. They do not own a piece of Friul Intaglia.

  4. Joe Smith

    I am a competitor.
    A local NY Metropolitan area OEM that has to deal with Spectrum’s prevarications everyday.
    Including that they own a factory in Italy.
    That is what the tell everyone.

    1. kitchenguy

      Joe – That’s funny… If they owned Friul Itagli, they will not need to sell kitchens in NY, would they… 🙂 Now you can show your clients the factory pictures and expose their bluff… What type of European product do you sell against them?

      1. John Gold

        These accusations against Spectrum are totally incorrect. I’ve worked with them on numerous projects where they supplied us Stevali cabinets (a brand they own). They never misled me to believe that they owned the factory. In fact, they were very clear about the fact that they didn’t own the factory but did have a very strong cooperation with Friul Intagli. They even brought factory representatives to a couple of our design meetings. At the end of the day we were extremely pleased with the products and services we received. We will be using them again on our upcoming condo tower.

        1. kitchenguy

          John Gold – what accusations…?

  5. Joe Smith

    We mfg wood veneer, textured laminate and thermofoil kitchens and bathroom cabinets and mirrored medicine cabinets. We can produce a lot of the European styles.

  6. Mariel

    Hi kitchen guy
    I’m from Australia . I’m looking into installing a kitchen from Scosi cucini ( Monte Carlo model )
    I was told it was wood however upon further investigation I note they use wood chip particle board in the shell and shelves .and pine doors . Is wood chip standard ? What are your thoughts on this company

    1. kitchenguy

      Mariel – never heard of Scosi – is that a local Australian brand…?

      1. Marvell

        Sorry kitchen guy I meant stosa cucine
        I am looking at the montecarlo kitchen
        Have you heard of this Italian company

        1. kitchenguy

          Marvell – Stosa is a large, ‘price driven’ brand. What else would you like to know?

  7. Nick

    Hi kitchenguy! Would you happen to know what are the better “value” players in the modern / european-style cabinet market? We are currently looking at Scavolini, Cesar and Leicht, and are trying to find options that offer a better value, without having to drop to a Kitchenmaid or something like that. Any suggestions?

    1. kitchenguy

      Nick – Kitchenmaid…? What is that? Where in the world are you located?

  8. Jo

    Hi Kitchen Guy,
    Scavolini is not on your top 20 list. What about it is bad? What about Pogenpuhl (which is more expensive) makes the list? Interested in high gloss lacquer for a kitchen. How long should a cabinet warranty be? Thank you.

    1. kitchenguy

      Jo – Scavolini is a ‘price driven’ product – not a quality brand… – that’s why…
      5 year.

  9. Kate

    Hi Kitchen Guy
    I’m looking to install a mid-range kitchen. I live in Germany. Do you have an opinion on whether Alno or Haecker is better? Would be grateful for your thoughts. Many thanks

  10. Lilia

    So thankful that I found your blog. I am from Sydney, Australia
    Was looking at the kitchens poliform and stosa, I noticed you ranked poliform higher, would you please explain why? Currently stosa has a promotion 30%off and price is much more attractive than poliform and I like the curved doors of Bring style (non glossy finish), I am not sure if Poliform makes the same.

    I would appreciate your opinion, how big is the difference between these companies’ products, their quality?

    Thank you for your time:)

    1. kitchenguy

      Lilia – big enought to warrant the price difference…

      1. Lilia

        Sorry, you mean poliform is much better in terms of quality so even with price discount for stosa, poliform is better choise?

        1. kitchenguy

          Lilia – first, it is Varenna – the kitchen company Varenna owns. Second, quality has nothing to do with price. If you feel that Stosa is cheaper enough, that it is a better value and you prefer them – that is your decision and it may be the right one. I can’t judge that from here, w/o any information…

          1. Lilia

            Thank you very much for the reply. Sorry again, based on what criteria you think Varenna kitchen is ranking above Stosa in general?
            I am looking at Bring style from Stosa and minimal from Varenna, I see they are using the sale bronze mirror


          2. kitchenguy

            Lilia – Varenna is just a better product, in every criteria…
            Where are you located? Could be other solutions…

  11. Lilia

    I am in Sydney, Australia

    1. kitchenguy

      Lilia – not sure who’s in Sydney, but if you send some names my way, I’ll advise.

  12. Lilia

    Hi, I live in Sydney, Australia

  13. Stephanie

    Hello Kitchenguy,

    We live in London. We have a budget of £40/45k. How would you rate Rational, Poggenpohl and Cesar in terms of quality, durability and value?
    We love the look and the feel of real wood. We want a contemporary kitchen with a mixture of some units in white lacquer and others in wood veneer. We are told that wood veneer is more expensive than lacquer and laminate but is it sturdy or is it more more delicate than wood laminate for instance? I’m worried we could spend a lot of money for something that could get easily scratched and is not easy to clean. Is there any other brand we should check? Thank you.

    1. kitchenguy

      Stephanie – all 3 are good, but if I had to pick one, I’d go with Popggenpohl. Wood veneer is not necassarily more durable, so that should not be the determining factor. It is also just as hard to clean, if not harder, than laminate or lacquer. In London, you have many choices – look at My Personal Top 20, for ideas.

  14. Lilia

    Hi again,
    Taste living sells Hacker kitchen, I was shocked with their show room, the kitchens displayed, particularly the ones they suggest, which is classic 2013 with satin lacquered doors, are dirty and look cheap and just terrible.
    They gave me a quote for this kitchen and price is compatible with Stosa kitchen price (which is sold via Eurolife pty ltd in Sydney) but the Stosa kitchen for this price is a bit more interesting, with glass cupboard doors, and curved side cupboards.
    Hacker systemat range is of course better than Stosa, so I would appreciate your view on all this, because it would like to compare similar products. I was given a quote for satin lacquered doors kitchen, white colour, was told that it’s classic range with category 4, and there are about 7 or 8 categories in this range. And systemat hacker, is much more expensive, as I understand most people don’t go for it as it’s too expensive. And I have small kitchen in the apartment.

    I will be looking also at Varenna pol inform, however, when compare all these companies, I would like to compare as I said before similar products, I.e. ‘Apples with apples and not apples with oranges’

    What do you think? Thank you for your time.

    1. kitchenguy

      Lilia – these are just too many questions and i must do a research, to answer them correctly. It is clear however, that you like Varenna (Poliform) – so go with it!

    2. Paul Whiers

      Hi Lilia

      Have a look at the new Hacker Classic LASER soft door silky smooth finish in 5 colours and only in a price group 1, this is one of the best doors I have ever seen. (no curved doors in this range yet)

      Hacker dealer in UK

  15. Lilia

    I looked at Varenna poliform, and I am not sure if I am mistaken, but I thought that the doors and generally Alea kitchen compared to Stosa curved kitchen (bring, blanco onda and Grigio lava door range and glass door – Stopsol) and hacker kitchen classic, poliform is much better.
    I was told that Varenna poliform doors made out of real wood, whereas in hacker classic is not. Is that true?
    Stosa and poliform using exactly the same bronze glass doors for the cupboards. Poliform just look a bit more refined.
    The price difference between the above two, is $16K. Poliform is obviously more, what do you think, I would really appreciate your view.

    1. kitchenguy

      Lilia – these are just too many questions and i must do a research, to answer them correctly. It is clear however, that you like Varenna (Poliform) – so go with it!

  16. Eric Distelmans

    Hi Kitchenguy,

    I’m looking for a very qualitative design kitchen and finds the following German brands beautiful: Bulthaup, Poggenpohl, Siematic and these Italian brands: Strato, Boffi, Arclinea, Varenna.

    Can you give me an order of these brands in terms of quality? Can you give me also an order of these brands in terms of price/quality?

    Which brand would you buy and why?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

  17. Lilia

    Hi again, I would really appreciate you views choosing between poliform alia and/or stosa bring and/or hacker classics.
    It seems that stosa using a lot of similar materials to poliform such that glass clapboard doors.
    Thank you so much

  18. Amy

    I’ve narrowed it down to pedini and poggenpohl in Miami. Price factors aside is one product better than the other in quality.


    1. kitchenguy

      Amy – both are great products. I like Pedini better.

  19. Robin


    Just wondering if you have heard of enne kitchens / moda collection.

    If you have, what price / quality group would they fit into? In other words, who are their peers?

    A seller here advised me that they use the same lacquer application and finish as boffi, but as a small business they are at a better price. Unfortunately the seller doesn’t have a demo of the product so I can’t comment on the quality of cabinets from enne. That’s where I’m hoping you could provide insight into. Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Robin – this is a very small and very new company. Unless you’re in the Pesaro area, I would not take a chance, purchasing this product, from a reseller, that doesn’t even have samples…
      Where are you located?

      1. Robin

        Hi Kitchenguy. I’m in UK, just outside of London.

        1. kitchenguy

          Robin – in this case, my suggestion is to stay with a well known brand and a dealer that actually has the product displayed…

  20. Gary

    Hi Kitchenguy,

    We are looking to install a handleless kitchen. At the moment it is between Hacker and the Pronorm Y-Line.

    Which would you recommend (or would you suggest something else altogether)?


    Gary (London)

    1. kitchenguy

      Gary – go with Haecker – a much better choice.

  21. Pino

    Hello Kitchen Guy… Your recent post on your 20 top european kitchens has been a big value to us. Nice work. We are presently searching for a european based kitchen company to distribute here in Canada and the US. We own a store fixture manufacturing company and are now looking to own a kitchen distribution company that we can scale in Canada and the U.S. as we’ve done with our store fixtures. My question to you is: Do you know of any kitchen brands presently looking for distributors in Canada? We are prepared to invest in a 2500 sq ft show room, have a vast resource of contacts with developers and designers throughout N.A, experience in implementing strategic marketing/ advertising online campaign, dedicate an installation crew and are looking to meet with someone asap. Any help is appreciated.



    1. kitchenguy

      Pino – if I understand you correctly, you’re looking for a product line, to have exclusivity for the US and Canada…?

      1. Pino

        Kithen Guy, The exclusivity yes. As for territory, I expect it would be negotiable on both ends but yes, preferably US and Canada.

        1. kitchenguy

          Pino – that’s going to be a difficult task… If a brand is not available in this part of the world till now, there’s usually a good reason for it. They are either not interested in the American market (yes, believe it or not, many understand the difficulty of selling there and prefer to not do business for that reason), are not ready for export (can’t speak English, product not suitable, etc.) or both…
          With that said, there maybe someone out there…

  22. Marko


    What do u think of Ewe kitchen and how would u position it with Wellman which is practically same company, Veneta (Oyster) and Nobilia.

    Thanks a lot!

    1. kitchenguy

      Marko – they are all at about the same level. Chose your kitchen based on the people you’ll be dealing with, rather than the very small differences between the products.

  23. Vish

    Hi Kitchen guy,

    What’s the difference between okite and silestone brands? Is one better in terms of quality, finish, I’ve been quoted for both and silestone is 15% more expensive. Please advise. Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Vish – both are quartz and are very similar. It all depends on the local distributor, as far as stock, price, service, etc.

  24. Paul Ball

    Hi Kitchen Guy

    What do you think of the quality of Doca from Spain in comparison to Systemat



    1. kitchenguy

      Paul Ball – Systemat, as in haecker…?

  25. Suresh Bhatia

    Please inform if Nobilia quality is better than Alno or vice versa.
    Also which of the two is more expensive

    1. kitchenguy

      Suresh Bhatia – they are both very similar.

  26. Susan

    Hi, Kitchen Guy,
    I live in NYC and am redoing my kitchen–would you rank for me the following 3 companies–Pedini, SieMatic and Varenna in terms of quality and customer service? Thanks!

    1. kitchenguy

      Susan – all 3 are great quality. As far as customer service is concerned, Pedini is better, possibly because they are as big as the other two…

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  28. Billy

    hello, i am searching for Italian kitchen company for a project and i need the lowest price, does Biefbi have low prices?

    1. kitchenguy

      Billy – low? Yes. Lowest? No.
      Where are you located?

      1. billy

        I am located in Lebanon

        1. kitchenguy

          Billy – sorry, but I have limited information as to which brands are alreday available in Lebanon…

          1. billy

            I am not looking for brands available in lebanon, I am looking for an italian or german brand to import to lebanon that have competitve prices. Thanks

          2. kitchenguy

            billy – that is exactly why I wrote that “I have limited information as to which brands are alreday available in Lebanon” – I’m not sure who is alreday there (so you’re not going to buy from) and who isn’t (and is interested in selling to Lebanon)…
            Do you need the least expensive pricing? Would you consider KD/RTA cabinets?

  29. Susan

    Hi, kitchen guy–Thanks for your blog–very informative. I”m getting conflicting info about “thermafoil cabinets. I heard they do not stand-up well to heat which could be a problem in the kitchen. Also–how durable are the wood veneers manufactured by Italian designers such as Pedini and Varenna? Thanks in advance. Susan

    1. kitchenguy

      Susan – you’re very welcome. Thermofoil has gotten better in the last few years, but the shrinking with heat issue is still there, by the nature of the application. Pedini and varenn’a veneer doors are as durable as wood doors can be.

  30. Carlton

    Nice blog Kitchen Guy,
    I am considering the purchase of a showroom display Varenna Poliform Minimal island hood. It is roughly 36″ in height, same in width. With a web search, I can’t find what the original retail price might have been. Any clue in US$ what it might have gone for originally?
    Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Carlton – not enough info to answer…

  31. Susan

    Hi, Kitchenguy,
    I live in NYC and doing complete kitchen remodel (10×12 area). Thanks to your blog,Pedini is in the running, but I would like to compare to another–and am torn between Snaidero and SieMatic, both of which I also like. As between those two–which do you believe provides the better overall quality of product and customer service? (I want back-painted glass top cabinets and wood veneer bottom cabinets).

    1. kitchenguy

      Susan – They are both very good, but as far as customer service is concerned, I’m not that familiar with the local showrooms there.

  32. Saj

    Where does Zeyko cabiets stand in quality (good, better or best) and pricing(low, medium or high). Thanks You

    1. kitchenguy

      Saj – Very goo dquality. High price.

      1. Saj

        Thank You!

  33. Saj

    Any German line that’s good quality and not pricy?? Thanks!

    1. kitchenguy

      Saj – many of them… You need to be more specific, in order for me to offer free advice.

  34. Eina

    Which is more better in terms of quality and value, Poliform or Poggenpohl?

    1. kitchenguy

      Eina – they are about the same, just make sure it’s Poggenpohl and not one of their other products, they are often marketing under the Poggenpohl brand…

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  37. Angel

    Is Aran and Miton kitchens related? are the same owners?
    Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Angel – the original owner of Aran, is Mr. Antonio Arangiaro (that is the source of the name). He then sold it to Masco (American Corp.), who then sold it to a few of the managers at Aran, mainly Mr. Renzo Rastelli.
      Mr. Arangiaro, who still owns the land that the Aran factory is on, then opened a new company – Miton. Named it after his two kids 🙂

      1. Angel

        Thank you very much for the explanation. Do you happen to know which of the two companies, Aran and Miton is better?

        1. Angel

          Hello Kitchenguy, can you please tell me which is better, Miton or Aran.

          Thank you

          1. kitchenguy

            Angel – they’re about the same. Go with the designer/showoom you like better.

  38. ajay

    hi kitchenguy
    how would you compare intuo kitchens interms of quality and pricing against more popular brands lik allmilmoe,hacker,venetta cucine,zeyko etc

    1. kitchenguy

      ajay – Intuo is a fairly new companuy (2009) and is available in very few markets (Austria, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Slovenia) so I’m not very familiar with them. What i CAN tell you is that they are not as good as Allmilmoe,Haecker or Zeyko. Probably a bit better than Venetta.

  39. ajay

    hi kitchenguy
    any german kitchen brand you could recommend thats vey dynamic and at par in quality with top brands and still very resonably priced??

  40. Irfan Naseem

    Hi Kitchen Guy

    Great site so glad I found it

    I am looking for a kitchen and have looked at porcelanosa to pronorm kitchens and independants

    I have come to the conclusion to buy in the carcasses myself and buy in the worktops be it granite or corian. Do you think this is a better solution and more cost effective

    Can you recommend a good quality carcass manufacturer that will sell direct and with blum fittings as heard they are the better quality fitting


    1. kitchenguy

      Irfan Naseem – bad idea… stick to a real brand and leave it up to the pros.

      1. Irfan Naseem

        Hi kitchenguy

        Thanks for your feedback. Appreciated

        Say you had a budget of 35k – 40k including appliances from miele or neff and wanted a german kitchen with blum fittings handlesless with soft closure and all the mod cons like pop up sockets etc who would you go to?


        1. kitchenguy

          Irfan Naseem – personally, I would go to Haecker.

  41. Angel

    Hello Kitchenguy. are TEKA products good?

    1. kitchenguy

      Angel – I’m no expert in appliances, but from what I do know, this is a ‘price driven’ product.

  42. Nancy picone

    I am considering a pedini vs bauformat kitchen. Which do you think is better in terms of quality and value. Also do you know what the price per Liner foot is for each

    Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Nancy picone – ‘Hands Down’ Pedini! They are a few levels higher than bauformat…
      The linear foot has to do with too many factors that I will not attempt to guess…

  43. lauren

    We live in NYC and are renovating our kitchen. 2 questions for you:
    1. We are looking for a white high gloss finish for our upper cabinets. Which would you consider more durable and less prone to scratching: a white lacquer finish, or a white (back-painted) glass?
    2. From what I have read, you consider Porcelanosa cabinets to be at the lower end of the quality spectrum. How do they compare to Alno, Scavolini, and Poliform? And would you consider Eggersman to be in an entirely different (higher) quality and design category?
    Thank you very much!

    1. kitchenguy

      lauren – 1. Glass is more durable.
      2. In this order: Eggersman, Poliform (Varenna), Alno, Scavolini & Porcelanosa (Gamma Decor).

  44. Nancy

    Hi kitchen guy. With your help I was able to make a decision. Looks like I’m going to go with a pendini kitchen. Need your help one more time. Magika vs. integra. We were given a quote of about 20% more for the integra. Do u think it’s worth the premium? Why or why not?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1. kitchenguy

      Nancy – Integra is wood veneer fronts, Magika is laminate fronts. I think you’re also getting stainless drawers, with Integra. Where are you located?

  45. Nancy

    I’m located in Rockaway Beach New York. You are correct integra has stainless drawers but i was told that Magika could be upgraded to the same I’m just a little concerned about making such a large investment in something that isn’t wood.

    1. kitchenguy

      Nancy – it is not different than paying more for leather seats in a car or real diamonds on your watch – it is nearly imposssible to tell the difference, unless YOU know it… 🙂

  46. Em

    What is your view on Mobalpa kitchens, in the UK I but don’t much about their quality and how do they compare to German brands like Hacker

    1. kitchenguy

      Em – Mobalpa is a large French producer. It is a nice company/product, but between the two, I’d go with Haecker.

  47. Shakuntala chockalingam

    Hello kitchen guy
    I have written to you earlier. I am now closer to doing my kitchen. I have ruled out Scavolini reading your blog. Now I am weighing between german Leicht and Padoni. How would you rate both, pros and cons for the two. Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Shakuntala chockalingam – between these two, I’d go with Pedini. It is built better and has more exciting designs.

  48. Shakuntala chockalingam

    Thank you. Pedini looks great, but the dealer comes out very aggressive, would like the retaining fees right away, even before disscussing needs and design, he wants us to trust hm and his work. Other german lines like siematic,Egosmart seem to be more expensive.i think Pedini and Leicht seem to be comparable price wise. Where does the line Rational rank amongst these?

    1. kitchenguy

      Shakuntala chockalingam – Rational is not on par with the other brands.
      What part of the world are you in?

      1. Shakuntala chockalingam

        I live in a suburb of Toronto Canada. Is rational below or above pedini and leicht. There seem to be no dealer for hacker in Toronto.

        1. kitchenguy

          Shakuntala chockalingam – below.

  49. ppekka

    In Denver, CO. I have visited showrooms for bulthaup, poggenpohl, and Varenna/ Poliform.We are not at the phase of design or getting estimates yet. How would you rank these three for quality? (Pedini no longer available in Denver). Would appreciate any insight about each of these companies. Thank you.

    1. kitchenguy

      ppekka – bulthaup first and poggenpohl and Varenna second (they’re about the same). I hear Pedini is coming back to Denver soon…

      1. ppekka

        Thanks, Kitchenguy!

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