Pedini - Integra

Pedini - integra in grey oak.

This blog was created in order to put together as much information as possible about European kitchen design, European kitchen companies and the different kitchen brands that have been manufacturing custom kitchens and built in kitchens, in Europe for more then a century.

European kitchen designers are the first ones to introduce what we know today as the ‘built in kitchen’ – kitchens that are no longer ‘free-standing’ pieces of furniture (as they were 100 years ago) but kitchens that are designed to have the cabinetry fitting between two walls.

Companies like Snaidero, Boffi, Pedini, Dada, Varenna and Val Cucine, from Italy, Poggenpohl, SieMatic, Allmilmo and Bulthaup , from Germany and Smallbone and Clive Christian, from England are the pioneers, the innovators and the companies that set the tone in Europe – the same tone that then becomes the new look for kitchen design around the world.


This Post Has 1,523 Comments

  1. Monika

    Hi everyone. Could anyone recommend Schroder Lucida kitchen? Is Schroder as a manufacture any good? What is the quality of their high gloss lacquered range?

    1. kitchenguy

      Monika – Schröder is a smaller German brand, selling only in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England and Luxembourg. They are medium quality and have a nice unique feature of matching interiors, to the exterior door finish (since you’re doing high-gloss lacquer finish, it will not matter). The qulity is okay.

    2. James

      Hi Monica

      Kitchen Guy is correct, Schröder is by German standards a smaller manufacturer but this is in no way a negative, they are more flexible. Also they use very good fittings, all Blum drawers and hinges. Because they are smaller they are also able to offer a wider choice and as Kitchen Guy mentioned all on a coloured carcass in 18 options.

  2. iseth

    dear all

    i am currently contemplating a Giemmegi – must italia kitchen – croco covered doors or silver leaf. are these guys of good quality and their prices reasonable
    also are there any other manufacturers offering anything similar to this?

    1. kitchenguy

      Iseth – Crocco and silver leaf is available from others but none will be cheap…

  3. Sonal Patel

    would you recommend poliform, semantic, poggenpohl?
    which order?

    1. kitchenguy

      Sonal – in terms of quality: SieMatic, Poggenpohl, Poliform.

  4. Paul Whiers

    Hacker Systemat update 2014

    Hi Kitchen guy

    They now use a PUR water resistant glue to edge PVC edging to doors and units, this gives an almost invisible joint as well as been water resistant.

    In most ranges you can have any size of unit or door and you can now have the unit cutout and re formed for pipe boxing’s or wall nibs.

    Oven housing to suit the appliance without a filler to make up the size.

    keep up the good work

  5. Ramy Mehanna

    Hello Kitchenguy,

    How does Aran, Scavolini, Schmidt and Pedini products compare?


    1. kitchenguy

      Ramy – in the order of quality from the best – Pedini, Schmidt, Scavolini, Aran.

  6. Ramy

    Hello- how does Pedini, Schmidt, Aran & Scavolini compare in terms of quality? For the same price, who should we pick? Thanks a lot.

  7. Suman Nirali

    Hi would like to know about some Mid range Brands like Spar arreda , Aran , Miton

    1. kitchenguy

      Suman Nirali – what would you like to know…?

  8. Myra Burg

    Looking at remodeling a kitchen in a wilshire corridor high rise. Snaidero was the first spot we stumbled into, beautiful. Any others you suggest we consider? Is the European cabinet truly better, or are we spending a high dollar for hype?

    1. kitchenguy

      Myra Burg – if you’re looking for a European look (clean, modern) than the European cabinetry is not just better quality and looks better, but it is a different ‘anima; all together – Europeans are building ‘kitchen systems’ that are designed to begin with, to be just that – a kitchen. American kitchens, are actually furniture that gets adapted into the kitchen.
      If I’m guessing correctly and you’re on Wilshire, in LA, then you have many great choices – right around the corner from you, you have a Pedini showroom – check them out.
      Good luck,

  9. Ravi

    Hello: Wondering about goldreif coming back? What are your thoughts about this sister company to poggenpohl. Also, should I go with pedini or goldreif?

    1. kitchenguy

      Ravi – there was a good reason why Goldreif vanished in the first place. It remains to be seen if there’s a good reason for it to come back…
      Go with Pedini!

  10. Mike

    We are looking at Siematic but I have been reading about pedini I as well. In terms of cost and quality how do these two brands compare?

    1. kitchenguy

      Mike – they are both quality products, but are very different in design and feel. If you chose a style they both offer (like a lacquered kitchen), I believe Pedini has a higher ‘quality-to-price ratio’ and so that would be my recommandation.

  11. gary b garabedian

    dear kitchen guy .

    we are renovating a mid century contemporary .
    so far we like a white laquer combined with a brown wood – element .
    in boston , we are seeing presntations from nobilia , hacker and downsview . also siematic has a lower priced line semi laque .

    what is your opinon onthe choices
    the same showroom represnts both nobilia and hacker .


    1. kitchenguy

      gary – these are all fine choices. I can’t really tell you much more, without having a lot more info about models, prices, etc.
      Set a budget – choose a stye and go with the dealer you like best.
      Good luck!

  12. raji

    Hi Kitchenguy,

    We’re in the process of building a house in Chennai, India and are looking for high end kitchen brands like Poggenpohl or their equivalent. We’re looking at about 2 years to completion so we want to get the planning started in the next few months. Are there any brands that are here already or coming to Chennai soon that will be similar to Poggenpohl in quality? Since we have plenty of time, we want to play around with all our options.

    1. kitchenguy

      raji – not sure who is in your area now, or soon. I suggest you contact the Top 20 kitchen brands and ask them directly.
      Good luck,

    2. praveen

      Hi,valcucine is brand on the similar lines , very high-end quality product available with us.

  13. martin mizel

    Hi, I am considering purchasing cabinets from Miton I like the design from the dealer and like the people I am working with. I am thinking about glossy white cabinets and darker laminate cabinets. The laminate cabinets are Miton 120. This dealer also carries Effeti and Composite brands that are more expensive. The dealer told me that Miton is not a leader in design but that the cabinets are of good quality. I know you discribe Miton as a price driven company. Are miton cabinets of decent or better qualilty? What european cabinets do you recommend at this price point?

    1. kitchenguy

      martin – just like everything else in life – if you want to pay less, you need to sacrifice something else. In the kitchen industry, lower price cabinets usually come with lwer quality, design and/or service. If you like Miton and they are in your budget – go for it!

      1. martin mizel

        Are there companies that you would recommend that are competitive price wise or perhaps a bit more expensive that are better in quality than Miton?

        1. kitchenguy

          martin mizel – there are, but they are way too many to list… 🙂
          Where are you located?

          1. martin mizel

            los angeles Is composite ok in your book?

          2. kitchenguy

            Martin – alreday better than Miton, but there are other, better choices, than Composite, in LA…

  14. Michele

    Which is the cheapest kitchen manufacturer in Italy

    1. kitchenguy

      Michele – there are several cheap manufacturers in Italy but most of them only supply local customers and don’t export. Where are you located?

  15. Paul Maine


    Which do you think is the better quality kitchen range Pronorm or Systemat ?



    1. kitchenguy

      Paul Maine – they are very similar.

  16. Ravi

    Hello: Thanks for your response about Pedini. What are your thoughts about the different lines of Pedini. We are debating between Dune and Integra, and while both seem like very durable and elegant lines with great color/material selections, is there one that is better than the other? If so, in what way? Ravi

    1. kitchenguy

      Ravi – they are the same – the only dofferences ae the doors (materials, design & thickness) and the toe kick height.
      Good luck,

  17. Vaida

    Dear kitchenguy,

    Would you be able to advise weather Mitton or Castagna Cucine is higher quality? Both are Italian brands and both come at similar price for the same list of requirements. If one is better than the other, then why?
    You advice is much appreciated.

    1. kitchenguy

      Vaida- they are similar – go with the one that you like better. either the product, the design, the designer or the showroom.
      Good luck!

  18. Bryan

    I live in Los Angeles and in the beginning stages of a remodel. I really love the look of the high end kitchen manufacturers (Bulthaup, Poggenpohl, Porcelanoosa, Pedini, etc.) but those will probably be outside of my budget. Do you have any recommendations of some quality midrange kitchen companies that I should take a look at that offer the clean, modern look? I see in an earlier thread mention of Miton and Composite…and you mention there are better choices…curious to hear your feedback. Thanks, Bryan

    1. kitchenguy

      Bryan – I belive that you’re much better going with the bulthaup b1 or Pedini Magika, than with an inferior product, like Miton or Composit.
      Good luck!

      1. Bryan

        Thanks for the input!

  19. Natalie Yildiz


    Could you please let me know which brand is better quality – Hacker or Arredo3? We are looking at the Wega model for Arredo3. Both are very similar in price.


  20. Chris

    Miton, Aran, Lube or Arrex? Which one is best quality please?

    1. kitchenguy

      Chris – they are all about the same…

  21. Paul

    Any thoughts on rotpunkt kitchens in comparison to Hacker kitchens and how they compRe to uk high street chains?

    1. kitchenguy

      Paul – I’d go with Haecker. I’m not familier with High Street.

  22. olga szasz

    We are building a new kitchen in a home in new jersey . It is relatively large size 21 by 21 Ft. We looked at two companies Cesare and Aran that are in the area, they both offer modern clean cut kitchens. They look similar to me and both use Blume mechanism, Cesare comes out more expensive. Can you please recommend which brand is a better quality vs value and if it is worth to invest into Cesare.? We have a budget of about $35.000 or may be you can suggest other companies. Thanks a lot for your input.

    1. kitchenguy

      olga – Cesar is more expensive than Aran, because it is better quality. As far as other companies in New Jersey – try Pedini (I see they have a showroom in Paramus, NJ). You can get even better quality than Cesar, for the same price.
      Good luck!

    2. Nick Waterton

      Hi Olga, I beg to differ, Aran is less expensive as we make 95% of the product ourselves and sell the most Italian kitchens in the world. Our Volare range is lacquered and polished both sides of the door, we use 18mm water resistant carcass material and the top of the range blum internal hinges and drawer runners!

  23. Alison

    Hi, I’m at the point of committing around £40,000 to a kitchen (in total) and your site has been very helpful. Rather nervous about choosing the wrong manufacturer so without considering cost may I ask you to rank Hacker, Leicht, Nolte and Siematic please. Want a modern, gloss, handleless kitchen that is stylish and will last. Can I be cheeky and ask you to do the same with Bosch, Neff and Seimens appliances?

    Many thanks from Cumbria UK

    1. kitchenguy

      Alison – SieMatic, Haecker, Leicht, Nolte.
      Can’t do the appliances as i’m not that familier with all the new models, etc. available everywhere.

  24. Sheila

    Hi Kitchen Guy,
    I am based in Sydney, Australia. I am looking at two Italian kitchen suppliers – Stosa or Miton. Which do you recommend?

  25. Sheila

    Further, could you recommend any other European kitchen manufacturers who supply to Sydney. We do like the Stosa Aleve minimalist glass cabinet “look” without handles. Reading through your blog, it sounds like better brands are available.

    1. kitchenguy

      Sheila – stosa is nice and I’ll take it over Miton. Not sure what else you have available down-under…

  26. Sheila

    Hi Kitchenguy,

    Thank you. Apologies for the long and multiple question…

    1. I only know 8 European kitchen brands available in Sydney. Could you please rank them in terms of general quality.
    – Haecker (Taste Living)
    – Leicht
    – Miton
    – Nobilia (Taste Living)
    – Nolte (Euro German Kitchens)
    – Poggenpohl (A La Carte Design)
    – Rational (A La Carte Design)
    – Stosa (Eurolife)

    2. Secondly, we specifically want a glass finish to others such as polyurethane, lacquer, laminate, stainless steel etc. Presumably there are different glass manufacturing processes, so what specifically should we check for in terms of durability and scratch/crack resistance?

    3. Finally, on your blogs, you refer to a “Top 20” list. What is the link to this so I can check out whether these kitchen brands have distributors here in Sydney.


    1. kitchenguy

      Sheila – here you go:
      1. At the top – Haecker & Poggenphol. Next – Leicht & Rational. Last, Stosa, Nolte, Nobilia & Miton.
      2. You’ll get better glass quality, from the better brands.
      3. Top 20.
      Good luck!

  27. LouiseJane

    Hello Kitchenguy we have had quotes for a new kitchen from different suppliers of Siematic and Rational Tio. As we want a kitchen which is contemporary, handleless, gloss, durable, extremely well made which will last us years which of these would you recommend. I note you mention Pedini quite a lot and rate it highly but I haven’t been able to find UK supplier in Northern England. Is that better than Siematic/Rational Tio? Thank you louisejane.

    1. kitchenguy

      – The first two brands are German and so Pedini will be a bit different, even if you stick to the same design. They are very similar in quality, just slightly different design/look. Check them out – in the UK.
      Good luck,

    2. LouiseJane

      As we continue our quest for our perfect kitchen we have recently been informed Uber Kitchens are very good, hard wearing and durable. How do they compare in quality, durability and reliability with Siematic and Eggersmann please? We have a total budget of upto £30k. Or do you recommend someone who can supply contemporary gloss kitchen with an 7-8ft island with large sturdy drawers for a busy cook and wedding cake maker! Thank you.

  28. Mariano

    Hey I’m in nyc looking for a new kitchen the dimensions are about 12.5’x15′ and a 7 foot island I’m looking for a mid ranged company I went to leicht and got quoted 31k and one else you recommend mor for my money ? Thanks

    1. kitchenguy

      Mariano – try Pedini and ask for their Magika or Eko lines. They are more economical and same quality.

      1. Mariano

        Ok thank you but I’m not sure about the quality of pedini Compared to the rest. Also since my budget is between 35-40k is there any one else I should look at in nyc. Thanx

        1. kitchenguy

          Mariano – I feel that Pedini is just as good if not better – what exactly are you looking for? NYC has dozens of brands to choose from…

  29. aki

    Hi kitchen guy,

    i would like to inquire on nolte & hacker kitchen brands. which one is better?

    Thank you

  30. maria

    hi i live in nyc and I’m looking for a European kitchen. i went to the poggenpohl , leicht and pedini. My budget is between 35k – 40k. I am a little confused as to the quality of all these. Also I’m looking for other companies in New York that are of similar quality that will fit my budget. From the estimate I have gotten pedini was the lowest by fractional amount. If you would be so kind to shed some light on other companies in my area that I have overlooked that would be a great help. And also if you could highlight the pros and cons of the companies I am looking at. thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Maria – all 3 are good products. There are tons of little differences, but if Pedini is the lowest, I see no reason to keep looking – go with them.

  31. rana

    Hi. I’m looking for the best company in spain for kitchens to be shipped out of spain. Which company do you recommend? Which one has the best quality to price ratio? Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Rana – – this is not something that can be answered in a few minutes, but rather something that needs to be studdied in length.

  32. lauren

    Kitchen Guy,

    What are your thoughts on Porcelanosa kitchens?

    1. kitchenguy

      Lauren – it is actually made by a company Porcelanosa purchased, called Gamma Decor and in my opinion, it is not a great product… – stick to their tile 🙂

  33. MB Westfall

    We are pricing a Bulthaup kitchen and my husband is freaking out before we have even received the quote. I LOVE the design but is the quality really up to the premium price? I have read several other discussions on other sites that suggest you are paying a premium in part for the “name.” We are in the North Texas area. Any other quality brands with similar design that you could suggest for us to consider in our area?

    What about appliances? I am inclined for all Miele (except maybe SZ or Gagg fridge?). Do you give opinions on the appliance side?

    1. kitchenguy

      MB Westfall – 🙂
      Bulthaup is one of the better brands out there and if you love their look, it is worth it. Obviously, you can get most of their look (minus a few minor details that are proprietary) from others, for less. Not sure what’s available in North TX – is there a Bulthaup dealership there…?
      I love Miele and prefer their fridge over Sub Z or Gaggenau…
      Good luck,


    This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!!
    Finally I have found something that helped me. Thank you!

  35. suman nirali

    hi i was working with an italian kitchen brand in india bangalore . Now I want to have own business and I want to get a new european brand in india . we are ready to invest . looking for a manufacturer who is good in quality and as well as have different range of products not only kitchens but other modular furniture for living and kids as well. can you suggest ..?

    1. kitchenguy

      suman nirali – this is not something that can be answered in a few minutes, but rather something that needs to be studdied in length.

  36. Johnd168

    Good blog! I really love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. I am wondering how I could be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your feed which must do the trick! Have a nice day!

  37. Johne890

    A big thank you for your article.Thanks Again. Great.

  38. Jac

    Hi Kitchenguy
    Please assist. We are down to two brands viz. Siematic (B2) and Snaidero (Ola 20). The Siematic kitchen is more expensive. Which is better in terms of quality? Is the higher price tag justifiable? Thank you

    1. kitchenguy

      Jac – i would have to say that they are just about equal. What about the people behind the product (designers, reputation of dealer, etc.)? If you like them both the same and Snaidero is a better deal – go with Snaidero.

  39. Paul Morrice

    what material is best for carcass construction?, i have been offered either melamine faced birch plywood or MFC. I have noticed that most of the top end brands use MFC. What do some of the top end brands use? Pedini, Bulthaup, Boffi etc

    1. kitchenguy

      Paul Morrice – MFC stands for ‘melamine faced chipboard’, which is what most of the industry is using. There are many grades of thes boards and the higher end brands, like the ones you mention, usually offer a water resistant, post consumption, recycled wood boards, covered by malamine.

  40. Anand

    Hi. Great blog. How would you rank Alno, Schmidt, Odina, Schuller and Nolte in terms of quality? All available in London.

    1. kitchenguy

      Anand – in this order: Schuller, Schmidt, Alno & Nolte. Odina is a private label of Homebase and I’m not familair with it at all. They all offerdifferent grades, so you need to compare ‘apples and apples’…

      1. Anand

        Thanks for the advice. Odina are also sold in Habitat. Probably go for Schmidt though. Lots of flexibility in sizes and good service.

  41. Sam

    Hi Kitchenguy, great blog.
    We are looking at a gloss handleless kitchen by Rot Punct versus one from Siematic (S2 range) there is very little comparable difference in the price of the kitchen furniture. which one would you recommend for quality (hinges, durablility and long lasting).
    In which order would you rate Siematic, Rot Punct, Hacker and Poggenpohl.
    Thank you!

    1. kitchenguy

      Sam – they are all good, but here is the order I put them in:
      Siematic, Hacker, Poggenpohl and Rotpunkt.

  42. Anonymous

    hi guys,

    I am in between buying one of those brands Aran, Record or EffeQuatro. Any suggestion?
    thanks and regards,

    1. kitchenguy

      Anonymous – they are all about the same. Choose based on design and the people behind the kitchen (designer, dealer, etc.)

  43. Eileen

    What’s your opinion of Alno? How does it compare to Pendini and Seimatic?

    1. kitchenguy

      Eileen – Pedini and SieMatic are higher quality than Alno.

  44. Leanne

    Hi. How would you rank Schuller, hacker, Pronorm and Alno? Is MDF always better than MFC? Thanks.

    1. kitchenguy

      Leanne – in this order: Haecker, Schuller, Alno & Pronorm. Better in what sence?

      1. Leanne

        Thank you!

        In terms of durability and water resistance, how is MFC compare to MDF, and how about vinyl wrapped MDF compare to laminated MDF?

        1. kitchenguy

          Leanne – it really depends on the company and the process they use…

  45. James


    I am looking to install a new kitchen and have been looking at the AlnoFine range from Alno (modern white kitchen, with a matt blue here and there).

    From reading the blog I understand Haecker’s value range should be a good alternative, and I will have that priced to compare.

    Would you be able to recommend another brand that is in a similar price range (Italian/other?)? I’m in London, say £25-30k for a small/ mid size kitchen (a wall run of just under 4 meters and an island of about 2.7 meters with seating space for 4 at one end)

    thanks very much in advance

    1. James

      hi, sorry, just repeating the comment in case you missed it.

      Generally what are your thoughts on Alno as a brand?

      1. kitchenguy

        James – Alno is one of the largest manufacturers in the world, for good and bad… I have many thoughts about them 🙂 – what specifically would you like to know?

  46. John JK

    Hello, I am continuing our search for the perfect kitchen. The brands we have been researching include German makes Eggersmann, Siematic (though very pricey), Rational and Poggenpohl. In what order would you rank them please?

    I have only recently heard of Eggersmann despite their over 100 years trade. Are they a brand you would recommend or is there another you think would fit our requirements? We’re looking for a tough, durable kitchen, with smooth running large Island drawers which will withstand years of use for a busy working cook as well as it giving a sleek contemporary look.

    1. kitchenguy

      John JK – In this order: Eggersmann & Siematic on top, Poggenpohl and then Rational. Eggersmann is a nice product – they are very custom and are different than most other European companies this way. They are also pricy and unless you need their custom features, I would consider then overpriced…

  47. Samantha Jessop

    Hello, I am contemplating between these three makes of kitchens: Poliform, Bulthaup and Sie Matic. Can you please rank them in terms of quality? Thanks!

    1. kitchenguy

      Samantha Jessop – Bulthaup, SieMatic, Poliform.

  48. Nina

    Hi kitchenguy, debating between a Schmidt and Hacker kitchen. What are your thoughts? Looking at white laque models.
    Many thanks in advance

  49. Steve Lezro


    Am I better off buying a Schmidt, Leicht or Hacker or Nolte kitchen.

    What would be your order in terms of quality?



    1. kitchenguy

      Steve Lezro – Hacker, Schmidt, Leicht than Nolte.

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